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Kapanadze generator ( kapagen)

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  • Tom C
    What is the output of the kapagen?

    Tom C

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  • Dávid Asztalos
    I\'m from Hungary so my English is bad. I replicate the KapaGen and it works well. But I want to use this energy in our house, so i have to convert this energy to 230v ac. How can i do it?
    I can\'t use a transformer because the output of kapagen is very unstable. Perhaps it\'s ac, but not sine ac. I want to convert it to dc and do acoutput with IGBT transistort, after this I going to use a transformer to reduced the voltage. It\'s my notion. Is it viable??

    Please help me, I don\'t have other idea.
    My e-mail adress:
    Thank you very much.

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  • Faraday88
    Originally posted by ErikN View Post
    I'm not interested in why a wire heats's well known electrical theory. When you get the wire to cool, then you'll really have something!

    Why it cools is also well know!!! only remains to be known in Academic Theory how to get it to that: whistle:
    if you really understood Why it cools than you as well understand why it heats which you seem to ignore... please don't ridicule any thing cause very minute detail in research is Gold precious!!!!!



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  • Botster
    Originally posted by Tom C View Post
    I dropped my electric bill by 50 bucks a month by just putting tuning caps on my ac mains. now my house is in resonance going to my pole pig on the power pole. its all I can get without putting the pole pig into resonance with my house and blowing it up. I have another one on my panels at work that run my pumps when they are all running the panel pulls 75 amps per leg, turn on the caps and it drops to 50 per peg.... 35 amps from tuning the VARS.
    I find that VERY interesting, Tom. I wanted to find out more, but the board's search function wasn't very helpful; neither was Google. I realize this is off-topic for this thread, and so I am wondering if you could briefly point me to where I could learn more about this? Or, perhaps, start a thread in a more relevant section with some quick guidance?

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  • lightworker1
    Well wish all happy and prosperous new year.

    Originally posted by BroMikey
    Last time we heard from Petio he could not get the money for a microwave transformer. He talked about it but and I would like to see more on his kapgen. He claimed that he was almost there, powering things for free.

    Let us know.

    Have you made any excess electricity or looped anything?

    Let me know.

    Thousands of experimenters are trying this.

    I have used car coils to get some strange lighting effects by powering the coils with an SG Oscillator circuit. High voltage stepped up and back down again searching for some resonant sync that gives more back.

    This guy did it to at the very bottom we can see his measurements at 2X or more.

    His name is Jean Louis Naudin giving clear concise instructions. Here is the 100KWH model

    Don Smith is another man who is more than just a Youtube member, these guys have great labs and have done

    experimental of all kinds for decades. Here is his work

    Tesla did say that this transforming of energies using HV and spark gaps would bring huge increases in power production.

    Have you ever experienced any slight energy gains with your circuit?

    Hello @BroMikey
    The answer to if I have seen excess electricity? Not yet.
    This is the goal also in my present work on the other thread "Aysmmetric motors of ufopolitics". I must say it one great thread too.
    Again where many are working selflessly.

    I have been following J Naudin for over 15 years. One great guy.

    However this following guy also have, "Selfrunning free energy Kapanadze device." It appears that he is using some sort transistor switched stepped up device.

    Well wish all happy and prosperous new year.

    Wam regards


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  • lightworker1
    Originally posted by petio707 View Post

    I built a successfull replication of Kapagen and I can explain to miself some of the princips of working of this Free Energy device. It is not a matter of RESONANCE as in a Tesla coil, but it is all about INDUCTION. I built it on a schematic called SSG ( spark gap generator). It works at less then 20 volts and produces hundreds of volts and a lot of amps. I start with a dimmer swich connected directly to the primary of a MOT ( Microwave oven transformer ). Then , a Microwave oven capacitor in series of the HV wire , a spark gap , a Kapa coil ( watch the assembly on youtube ) and a load of lamps.In my device I use the armature of the MOT as a mass and as a ground. When a load is applied to the device the magnetic fields in the Kapa coil wound CCW, CW, CCW oppose each other and thus lower the voltage before the load. The free energy is created in the secondary of the MOT in the formation of PLASMA. Through the spark gap the pulsed DC wave is transformed into a sine wave , then stepped down the voltage through the Kapa coil and some filters before it reaches the load. The last coil ( the thick one ) of the Kapa coil has to be at least 10 times thicker then the other ones, because it is the only way I have found so far to transform the HV into Low voltage and more amps.In the original patent the inventor - Kapanadze - uses filters to lower the voltage even more and to make the frequency right - 50-60 HZ. I haven`t made the filters so far. And again - to make a successfull model you have to use relatively small voltage for the MOT, transform it into HV to create a spark in the spark gap , and then, in some way, lower the voltage by an INDUCTION via thick wire from 2000 to 120-240 volts. The device produces more energy than it consumes and it won`t be hard to make it self running by adjusting the right voltages. It took me months of work to make it and countless hours to understand it but I am sure now I know how it works and it is not complex at all if you know how the electric currents travel through a wire at different voltages. The main thing to understand is : the electric current travels through the wire at lower voltages and around the wire at high voltages. And when it is at lower voltage it becomes an amperage current that can be utilised in any electric device. When high voltage is applied to a coil the current egnites a plasma field around the wire creating free energy , but to use it you have to step down the voltage making the current amperage current. Otherwise you end up with fancy sparks, arks and a question in your mind : How did Tesla make free energy he constantly talked about ? Well , he was a fan of tranformers and motors. He played with spark gaps and coils most of his life. Everyone can make a KAPAGEN. It is great fun and a bunch of burned bulbs and volt meters . Stay safe when working with high voltage.
    Hello my friend petio707, very impressed with your Kapgen work.

    In very near future (at present I am very behind another experiment on aymmetric motor build
    I will put together your suggested apparatus, as I have at hand most of the components

    Left over of old Don Smith Tesla type of apparatus

    Warmest regards

    Last edited by lightworker1; 12-27-2013, 03:28 AM.

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  • mohammedvali2
    Filter, please elaborate on what a filter is!

    Originally posted by petio707 View Post

    .In the original patent the inventor - Kapanadze - uses filters to lower the voltage even more and to make the frequency right - 50-60 HZ. I haven`t made the filters so far.
    Hi please can you eleborate on what filters are and how one would go about making one.

    Thank you

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  • Faraday88
    Hi Why_me,
    Have Patients not slander ...think on what is being told.... one advice to all ..Just think what great deal of time it took John Bedini is where he is today..???
    its Patients my friend and no immidiate returns... it take life time to be wise..

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  • why_me
    Hey petio707, Why don't you show us your video? After 12 long pages of endless writing, I see no proof of your knowledge, except maybe you can read and write what others have posted in other forums. I think you just want attention and could not get it elsewhere. Proof is in showing your work, not endless babble.

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  • petio707
    One more thing to have in mind as a theory :

    The electric current doesn`t go around the wire in straight line - it spins in a vortex.

    You CREATE GRAVITY whenever you spin a fluid , and the air is a fluid.

    When wound in a coil the wire also spins and the current ran through the coil spins as well and thus creates the magnetic field which is a GRAVITATIONAL FIELD as well.

    So this is what is happening in a coil : you spin the current and with it the air and create PLASMATIC FIELD from which you can extract more energy then the input energy. The bigger the coil , the more energy produced in the process.

    Regards .

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  • petio707

    STAGE 1 :

    The pulsed DC current enters the primary of the MOT and induces a magnetic field in the core .

    STAGE 2 :

    The pulsating magnetic field induces a current in the secondary of the MOT. This is the stage where the free energy is generated in the form of PLASMA.

    STAGE 3 :

    The pulsed DC HV current enters the spark gap and is transformed into AC sine wave of high frequency and potential. In the spark gap energy is not created - it is only transformed into another type of wave. The spark gap is a transformer !

    STAGE 4 :

    The AC current formed to this point is a HV current and is unusable to run most of the AC electric devices. Here the current enters the KAPACOIL with iron core and after that the filters. In this stage the voltage is stepped down to usable 220 volt current - lamps light , heaters heat etc.

    STAGE 5 :

    The current enters the high power transistors and is again transformed into a pulsed DC current to enter again the primary of the MOT.

    Is it a resonant circuit ? Well , it is a self resonant circuit and it resonates with the load as well. Tom , you may sleep happy , there is resonance involved

    Now you can see why most of the people don`t succeed in making a KAPAGEN. If you miss a stage of transformation or if you don`t TUNE some of the transformers in the system right , you end up with empty hands and a mind full of questions

    Stay safe .

    Last edited by petio707; 06-24-2013, 05:55 AM.

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  • petio707
    Originally posted by Tom C View Post
    the components for the SG are designed for a 12 volt system. adding voltage to the circuit, will more than likely kill every component in your machine. 24 volt SG machines regularly pop transistors if everything is not matched. if you do not thoroughly understand hi voltage switching and the components required DO NOT DO THIS. you will get killed or at the very least have a body part blown off at the joint. Tom C
    To make a transformation of the energy to usable AC power you have to rebiuld every part of your system with thicker wires, more powerfull HV capacitors , diodes and transistors. Otherwise things overheat and melt

    This is the only way you can transform the DC spike wave into a usable AC sine wave at the voltages you need to run any kind of electric devices.

    Is it dangerous - of course it is !!! Energy is and will always be dangerous !!! If you cannot deal safely with high voltages - I have only one advise : DONT`T DO IT !! !! !!

    But if you are experienced enough to deal with high voltages you can try to build it and you will end up with a usable AC output at voltage and watts you desire.

    With this improved setup you can collect INFINITE AMOUNTS OF POWER FROM THE VACUUM ! Usable AC power.
    Last edited by petio707; 06-24-2013, 05:55 AM.

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  • petio707
    Originally posted by Tom C View Post
    the components for the SG are designed for a 12 volt system. adding voltage to the circuit, will more than likely kill every component in your machine. 24 volt SG machines regularly pop transistors if everything is not matched. if you do not thoroughly understand hi voltage switching and the components required DO NOT DO THIS. you will get killed or at the very least have a body part blown off at the joint. Tom C
    To make a transormation of the energy to usable AC power you have to rebiuld every part of your system with thicker wires, more powerfull HV capacitors , diodes and transistors. Otherwise things overheat and melt

    This is the only way you can transform the DC spike wave into a usable AC sine wave at the voltages you need to run any kind of electric devices.

    Is it dangerous - of course it is !!! Energy is and will always be dangerous !!! If you cannot deal safely with high voltages - I have only one advise : DONT`T DO IT !! !! !!

    But if you are experienced enough to deal with high voltages you can try to build it and you will end up with a usable AC output at voltage and watts you desire.

    With this improved setup you can collect INFINITE AMOUNTS OF POWER FROM THE VACUUM ! Usable AC power.

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  • Tom C
    the components for the SG are designed for a 12 volt system. adding voltage to the circuit, will more than likely kill every component in your machine. 24 volt SG machines regularly pop transistors if everything is not matched. if you do not thoroughly understand hi voltage switching and the components required DO NOT DO THIS. you will get killed or at the very least have a body part blown off at the joint. Tom C

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  • petio707

    If you step up the voltage of the primary batterie(s) eighter by connecting them in series or use a single battery and use an inverter to step up and then rectify to produce dc , more volts will go through the coils. The DC spike will reach up to 5000 volts, however this is still DC pulse and cannot do much trings with it. To transform it into usable AC current you have to pass the current through a spark gap. Through the spark gap the current becomes alternating and the watts stay almost the same. The next thing to do is to step down the voltage to usable via filter choke and transformer to lower to 200-300 volts.

    I `m not sure how the motor will behave - it might spin too fast at this voltages.

    The setup might be transformed in this way to produce real AC power and be used without the need to charge batteries. It may also be made self running because it produces more energy than it consumes.

    Last edited by petio707; 06-23-2013, 12:03 PM.

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