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Kapanadze generator ( kapagen)

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  • Tom C

    I have held the remains of the lockridge device in my hands.... any device you mention I have seen, run or researched. I understand the theory of operation of most devices you refer to. JB's is the only one that is easily replicated, verified and useful, easily scaled up, its just not inexpensive, energy never will be. I dont waste my time with much else any more. I know what works and why. I suggest you get the cjeka files DVD and acompanying encrypted pdf it will open your eyes to things like heironymous and other energy harvesting techniques. some are easy some are not. i like John's way, I can harvest store and use my energy whenever I want with a battery bank that will last forever, and be completely energy independant.

    Tom C

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  • petio707
    Originally posted by Faraday88 View Post
    Hi petio707,
    Tom C is very correct in what is says (like JB) About the terms on calling it an Energiser..(one even needs to read TOM bearden website on Battery back popper to get an insight on why this is so...). as he says it is a lousy Prime mover because a Generator with its prime mover feels a back- drag (Lenz's opposition) when driving a load supplying Current. the reverse is true with the Energiser.
    A G-field 'sees' this Lenz's opposition when not loaded (The generator coils are self-loaded in way (half the power is fed back)when not catering any load at the out put.
    make the kapangen do what the G-Field also does (watch Kromery DVD) like TOM C pointed out: Wire condensing cold/ frost from the surrounding moisture in air...!
    Thanks Tom C on that littel review on the Joe Newmann saga, I happend to ask about this with Aaron some time back...good to know on the update on this.!
    Best Regards,
    Maybe you are right about the term Energiser because if you add the other polarity of the magnets N - S - N - S and you Get a full sine wave , not only the upper half of it , you will encounter all those effects of Lenz opposition etc.

    However the monopole generates waves ,electro magnetic waves. JB has found an electro magnetic wave that charges batteries effectively with Radiant energy.

    In his videos he shows a generator called The Lockridge device - A generator with iron core split in half and the one half being a motor , the other half - generator.
    The device produced 300 w/h of free energy by storing some of the energy produced By the generator in capacitors and thus moving the motor, and the whole thing is done in a SINGLE MOTOR - GENERATOR !

    Think about how easy is to split not the core of 1 machine in 2 to make it run itself , but to use 2 machines - a motor and a generator , connected with a belt or even welded shafts together, and use some of the energy produced by the generator, collected in capacitors , to run the driving motor with excess energy being produced ? The setup will work even with the 2 machines being equal in watts - the coils of the Lockridge device are equal in size.

    I think the WITTS GENERATOR is very similar if not the same.

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  • petio707
    The ground to the MOT transformer (Or the iron core and plate for mounting) is one wire you say?

    Mike , I ground it to the plate for mounting. Which is the same as the iron core. One wire .

    People , I see all of you are very smart and educated. I don`t wanna confront you !
    I want to work in the field of free energy generation and understand the power generation even better .
    The cold / frost wires are in my understanding due to the HV plasma which flows around the wire when you run HV current or wave through it . However , the spark gap itself warms up , in my opinion due to the slowing down of the electrons when they are passing through more resistant material like iron.

    On the measurements , Mike , I still don`t see my kapagen over unity , The input is 100 volts. But when my dimmer malfunctioned , maybe due to overheating , the input was maybe 230 volts and the lights shined like crazy and the spark gap was producing loud scary sound , and I was afraid and I stopped the device. So , I have no measurements in that phase of operation of the device - maybe it was overunity in this phase of operation with the 230 v. The inventor uses 220 v inverter when it runs his Kapagen. voltage is very critical for operation in my opinion , because remember - more volts = more plasma = more power.

    The joule thief is very very similar to the Kapagen I think. Build the device and experiment with it - the device and the tuning are very very simple. I haven`t bought the transistors to try to self run it yet - you may succeed before I do.

    Best regards to all of you.
    Last edited by petio707; 06-20-2013, 02:09 PM.

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  • Faraday88
    Hi petio707,
    Tom C is very correct in what is says (like JB) About the terms on calling it an Energiser..(one even needs to read TOM bearden website on Battery back popper to get an insight on why this is so...). as he says it is a lousy Prime mover because a Generator with its prime mover feels a back- drag (Lenz's opposition) when driving a load supplying Current. the reverse is true with the Energiser.
    A G-field 'sees' this Lenz's opposition when not loaded (The generator coils are self-loaded in way (half the power is fed back)when not catering any load at the out put.
    make the kapangen do what the G-Field also does (watch Kromery DVD) like TOM C pointed out: Wire condensing cold/ frost from the surrounding moisture in air...!
    Thanks Tom C on that littel review on the Joe Newmann saga, I happend to ask about this with Aaron some time back...good to know on the update on this.!
    Best Regards,

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  • Tom C
    its not a generator its an energiser. JB when describing his own device has said such. he has also said its a lousy prime mover. it does not create amps directly out of the coil to power a load, which a generator does. you are being too broad in your context of what an electrical generator is... electrically speaking its a lousy "generator" so dont try and twist what we are talking about. you were talking about a 1 KW "generator" you want a generator go buy one at the store. the monopole "generates" scalar pulses, but you need a storage battery to convert it into something that can do real work.

    I know all about joe newman, worked with some of his machines, lousy commutation, lousy energy recovery. newman loves his flywheels, his stuff will never be practical or useful. I have a friend who has a newman that runs on 3000 volts on the primary, hi voltage no current. specially designed commutator from exotic matrials designed by nasa, currently in a university in europe being tested. not even at unity right now and its destroying commutators as fast as they can be built. this is based on naudins work, he is friends with him. his work CANNOT be scaled up to power a house.

    i think I am done with this conversation for now. when you figure out how to run your kapagen without a power supply or a variac let us know. until your wire is cold and condenses the moisture in the air around it you are not there.

    Tom C

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  • petio707
    And the energy that charges the batteries connected to a monopole is in the form of electro magnetic wave , electro magnetic wave which had gained more power when it passed through the coil, then the initial power from the primary battery.

    Saying the monopole is not a generator is incorrect - it is a generator , you may call it a generator of waves , but it is a generator.

    In fact every AC generator is a generator of waves - it generates sine waves.
    Last edited by petio707; 06-19-2013, 06:09 AM.

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  • petio707
    I have done research on the monopole - I will never discuss it if I don`t know anything about it.

    The monopole as I understand it is very similar in principle of operation to the Kapagen : low voltage > high voltage gain of power through the coils > low voltage transformation of the energy to be usable , but the last transformation is done within the batteries themselves.

    The monopole should not produce the same amount of power and voltage inside a vacuum , because no air molecules will touch the wires inside a vacuum, no or maybe much less power would be generated.

    The excess energy is produced from the HV passing through the wire igniting the air and producing plasma. the more plasma you produce , the more excess energy you create. As simple as that.

    But how do you produce amounts of plasma with 50 grams of wire ?

    Tesla and others before him and after him had huge coils , large amounts of copper wire , and the energy produced from the generators was signifficant.

    For investigating the link between amounts of copper wire and the amount of energy produced see the work of Joseph Newman and his motor. He says : the bigger motor I build , the less amps it uses to spin.

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  • ErikN
    Originally posted by petio707 View Post
    ... Why is this wire hot ? ...

    I'm not interested in why a wire heats's well known electrical theory. When you get the wire to cool, then you'll really have something!


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  • Tom C
    Originally posted by Faraday88 View Post
    Hi Peptio,

    You got Tom C Wrong.... The Bedini Charging is not about 'Curent less charging' in its absolute sense... It can be termed as the ration of Potential to Current Charging Efficiency of a Battery charging mechanism. There is a magnetiude of gain where very less of input current is used to cause a very high gain in the battery to give large out puts (see the AH capacity increases dramatically). You see the gain or Overunity performance in the Battaries and not in the Machine them selves.
    Faraday, thanks for the expansion of the phrase, it is one JB uses and Petio should have recognized it if he had done research into the monopole. Tom C

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  • Tom C
    Originally posted by BroMikey
    Okay Tom C

    You tell the group you can only get ove 1:1 maybe 1.5:1?? Now you say you can do 12:1? Will you please explain this because everyone on the group has asked for this answer for years.

    Please explain how you make nodes charge 12:1.

    If you are unable to come through with an explanation I will wonder about your honesty from this day forward.

    It is wrong to with hold info that others need.

    This site is confusion. My opinion. So I hope you are better than it is..

    12 to 1 is 12 batteries charging from 12 tesla nodes in different places, its running a cap dump and putting a node between the dump and the batt, its running a node on the trigger, its running a node on the primary.... can you not have an original thought? its about running a multi coil SG in branch circuit mode, and putting a node on each strand... for a minute stop and think about what you are saying about this forum. this group is for you to experiment , every suggestion lead to a discovery its trying to lead you someplace, WHAT IS CHARGING THE BATTERY, AND HOW DO I GET MORE OF IT? but you don't want to be led, you want to be spoon fed with a big funnel. be positive instead of insulting us. if you don't like the answers then stop posting questions..... first build a rotored SG to spec, then do the work. I will not be answering any of your posts, others are more than welcome to, but I am no longer, sorry. Tom C

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  • Faraday88
    Hi Peptio,

    You got Tom C Wrong.... The Bedini Charging is not about 'Curent less charging' in its absolute sense... It can be termed as the ration of Potential to Current Charging Efficiency of a Battery charging mechanism. There is a magnetiude of gain where very less of input current is used to cause a very high gain in the battery to give large out puts (see the AH capacity increases dramatically). You see the gain or Overunity performance in the Battaries and not in the Machine them selves.

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  • petio707
    Tom , you are a clever guy. To enhance your knowledge and understanding you may try to replicate the devices I listed in my earlier posts. From my experiments with those devices I`ve learned a lot and I understand electricity and generation of electric currents and electro magnetic waves much more.

    I always want to know - Why ? Why is this happening ? Why is this wire hot ? Why is the plasma formed around a wire when you run HV through it ? My curiosity has led me to the answers I found for myself. I now know the basics of generation of electric currents and waves. Search further and you will find your answers too .


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  • petio707
    In your statement you first say : the monopole is currentless charging

    And in the next sentence : increased current draw

    If it was currentless the charging battery wouldn`t drop at all.

    I am well familiar with the work of Mr. Bedini , I`ve seen most of his videos energy from the vacuum, I know what resonance is and what it can do , I `ve seen the work of Mr. Hutchisson and many other things - levitating , shattering of metals etc.

    If you can make a resonant device that produces 1 kw/h of free energy without batteries or with only an initial start , then make it , give it to people or sell the parts for the construction with instructions so everyone can assemble it and use free power. I`m pretty sure generators of this type will soon appear on the market or online.

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  • petio707
    Originally posted by Tom C View Post
    you do not understand the monopole. the monopole is currentless charging when done correctly. you dont want more powerful magnets you oversaturate the core. you dont want more speed because with the rotored monopole speed is a reflection of increased current draw. its not a matter of copper alone, its copper AND turns AND resistance AND core material AND trigger strength AND resonance with the charge battery. sorry petio you cannot look at the monopole like its a generator, its not. its tesla impulse technology. I can charge 12 to 1 easily using tesla nodes with no increase in input.

    Tom C
    OK. If you wish to think so - I don`t understand anything.

    The monopole as I understand it is a generator - it produces power , but can only be used to charge batteries.
    It is not an alternator , because it has only north pole. If it had N - S - N - S poles you would have a sine wave. But it has only the half of the sine - the DC peak.
    Even in the slightest currents , where you have volts present , you have tiny amounts of amps present as well. If you didn`t have a current present , your instruments for measuring wouldn`t see no wave at all. Electro magnetic waves , all types of them, have current present , but HV and high frequency waves have currents so small, you would say they have no current at all. If you think the monopole does not produce electro magnetic waves - ask the inventor himself.
    How can you measure the amps in a light wave or in a sound wave. If there was no current passing through the wires as you suggest, the electrons inside the wire and around the wire would no t move at all and you would have just a piece of wire with no waves passing through it or only resonating with the waves of the earth.
    I know what Mr. Bedini sais about the output with only volts and without amps - yes , it`s true - the voltage is high and the current doesn`t shock you unless you collect it in a capacitor, but as far as I know and understand , waves travel with a flow of current. If you try to measure with a voltmeter the amps of a light wave , I doubt it will move at all. We don`t have so sensitive sensors to register currents of that high frequency - the scope is the most sensitive, and it shows waves. It is true that you can charge multiple batteries with this technology. They are charged more with a HF waves that are electromagnetic , but the energy travels in a form of wave with spacific properties. Radio antenna collects radio waves and they have current.

    Last edited by petio707; 06-18-2013, 01:09 PM.

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  • Tom C
    Originally posted by petio707 View Post
    And Tom,
    Do you know why the Bedini monopole produces more than it consumes ?
    It is pretty simple - you push the current through copper wire with a pulsating magnetic field around the wire and the energy produced is eighter proportional to the mass of the wire or the strenght of the magnetic field or the speed of the pulsations.
    So , by knowing this you can easily make it work better - eighter you put more mass of copper wire , or increase the strenght of the permanent magnets , or increase the speed which is proportional to the voltage of the DC peak.
    In those three ways you will increase the watts at the output.

    Never stop trying , never give up
    you do not understand the monopole. the monopole is currentless charging when done correctly. you dont want more powerful magnets you oversaturate the core. you dont want more speed because with the rotored monopole speed is a reflection of increased current draw. its not a matter of copper alone, its copper AND turns AND resistance AND core material AND trigger strength AND resonance with the charge battery. sorry petio you cannot look at the monopole like its a generator, its not. its tesla impulse technology. I can charge 12 to 1 easily using tesla nodes with no increase in input.

    Tom C

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