I encounterd a couple of places online that showed how to build free energy motors. they were winding their coils unidirectionally. This means that when they had one layer of wire laid they would run it back to the other end again to start the next layer so the spiral of the coil always rotated in the same direction. I found a similar process outlined in an very old book on solenoids from back in the 30s or older. So my thought was maybe back emf is cauesd by the way the modern coils are wound going back and forth so each layer of wire is spiraling the opposite direction. maybe that is why there is a counter current set up in the coils becaues of the counter windings. Has anybody looked into this or experimented with it?? Maybe there is something happening in the interaction with the magnetic field and the angle of the windings that nobody has looked into. Makes more sense in my mind to have all the spirals going the same direction instead of the way everybody does it now going back and forth. maybe that is where all the heat and inefficiency comes from.
The unidirection coils are much harder to wind and I rarely see anybody doing it. Why is this?
The unidirection coils are much harder to wind and I rarely see anybody doing it. Why is this?