Pressed by the gasoline prices I am once again motivated to utilize and fix in place my "Batt Cell" HHO. This time I'm going to fit it into my wife's little car which has a 1.0 liter petrol engine in hopes of getting better mileage (and then some) than I got with it on my old 3L diesel Vigo/hilux truck. I read a hydrogen electrolysis scientific paper by a couple of scientists from India and the gentlemen did some tests by pulsing DC at 100 mhz (if I read it right!) and then with the data they plotted a graph for comparison versus conventional DC and the results are astonishing. SM dc pulse train comes to mind.
I am sold on high frequency DC pulsing and therefore I intend to build and use a PWM this time. I've got 555 chips, LM324 quad op amp, hexfets, 7810 voltage regulator and access to a boat load of other electronics in a nearby TV repair shop that my friend owns. I've been viewing various PWM schematics on line and, since electronic design is still a weakness I have, I could use help from a kind soul to point me in the right direction.
Last but not least I have another improvement that I wish to implement along the way. I have nearly finished building two sizable toroidal transformer cores with soft iron wires, like the ones intended to use for the SG coil, and I plan to experiment with a bi-toroid xmfr with addition of cleverly placed (or rather shamelessly copied from a expired patent) permanent magnets which should productively tweak the magnetic flux flow of the system while giving careful consideration to core saturation and flux leakage. I know iron isn't that good a material as compared to the latest materials being used in experiments of this kind these days but the patent seems worth a try.
I might try TiO2 or similar coatings on the plates to improve efficiency with the tubular "joe cell" design sometime later this summer.
P.S.: I can also use any advice with (purified) biogas or hydrogen compression / storage for use on a vehicle. Would it work with a reciprocating or rotary compressor meant for refrigeration or air conditioning? My wife's car has a CNG kit with a sturdy big cylinder installed into it and it seems like a waste of space if I don't utilize it in some clever way especially since I have a large biogas production available at my farm (as I posted in another video) that is also running a 6.5kva gasoline generator as well as heating my house and powering my kitchen cooking range. I don't really need to fill it all the way to 300 bar pressure, even 20 bar or so would make my trips to school free. I could also generate hydrogen at home with some spare energy from my 2kw solar array and compress it into that car's cylinder. All help is highly appreciated.

Pressed by the gasoline prices I am once again motivated to utilize and fix in place my "Batt Cell" HHO. This time I'm going to fit it into my wife's little car which has a 1.0 liter petrol engine in hopes of getting better mileage (and then some) than I got with it on my old 3L diesel Vigo/hilux truck. I read a hydrogen electrolysis scientific paper by a couple of scientists from India and the gentlemen did some tests by pulsing DC at 100 mhz (if I read it right!) and then with the data they plotted a graph for comparison versus conventional DC and the results are astonishing. SM dc pulse train comes to mind.
I am sold on high frequency DC pulsing and therefore I intend to build and use a PWM this time. I've got 555 chips, LM324 quad op amp, hexfets, 7810 voltage regulator and access to a boat load of other electronics in a nearby TV repair shop that my friend owns. I've been viewing various PWM schematics on line and, since electronic design is still a weakness I have, I could use help from a kind soul to point me in the right direction.
Last but not least I have another improvement that I wish to implement along the way. I have nearly finished building two sizable toroidal transformer cores with soft iron wires, like the ones intended to use for the SG coil, and I plan to experiment with a bi-toroid xmfr with addition of cleverly placed (or rather shamelessly copied from a expired patent) permanent magnets which should productively tweak the magnetic flux flow of the system while giving careful consideration to core saturation and flux leakage. I know iron isn't that good a material as compared to the latest materials being used in experiments of this kind these days but the patent seems worth a try.
I might try TiO2 or similar coatings on the plates to improve efficiency with the tubular "joe cell" design sometime later this summer.
P.S.: I can also use any advice with (purified) biogas or hydrogen compression / storage for use on a vehicle. Would it work with a reciprocating or rotary compressor meant for refrigeration or air conditioning? My wife's car has a CNG kit with a sturdy big cylinder installed into it and it seems like a waste of space if I don't utilize it in some clever way especially since I have a large biogas production available at my farm (as I posted in another video) that is also running a 6.5kva gasoline generator as well as heating my house and powering my kitchen cooking range. I don't really need to fill it all the way to 300 bar pressure, even 20 bar or so would make my trips to school free. I could also generate hydrogen at home with some spare energy from my 2kw solar array and compress it into that car's cylinder. All help is highly appreciated.