"Water Is Thought To Be Simple, Yet It Is One Of The Most Misunderstood Substances Known. Learn The Latest Breakthroughs In Water Science Including A Peak At SOLID Water At Room Temperature And Other Paradigm-Shattering Discoveries!"
REVEALED: Dr. Gerald Pollack discoverer of the Fourth Phase of Water shares the Latest Breakthroughs in Water Research!Look at a few of the profound revelations you will learn in this presentation:
- How there is a 4th phase that is different from solid, liquid or vapor.
- How water can be separated into two types in one container that can be used as a battery - has already been proven to be able to light an LED - there is no electrolyte in the water or dissimilar metals, it is 100% water in two different forms.
- A glimpse at SOLID water at ROOM TEMPERATURE - that's right, easy to come to an understanding that almost anything anyone thinks they know about water is probably wrong.
- How water can desalinate itself as well as separating out other particles.
- A discovery showing how water actually flows through capillaries and assists the blood pumping action since the heart is not capable of pumping all of the blood as is commonly thought.
- Free water pumping action through a tube at an infinite COP (coefficient of performance) since we provide zero input and any other input comes from external sources.
- And much more...
Get your copy now: Fourth Phase of Water by Dr. Gerald Pollack
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