Originally posted by BroMikey
Hi Aaron/Bromikey,
In this attachment i have pointed out at an obscure looking device in the closet possiable picture of the CSET, whic is a cable like device with intermittent Glow seen in them...as we know.. strictly speaking the E.V Gray effect can be produced without the CSET, but i'am pondering on the engineering aspect of this device incorporated in the overall Motor functioning.
i have taken another picture of the CSET from the rare side of Peter's FESCE book where the resolution of the picture is clearer and shows these cables with distinct spark like glow in them.. i had observed this long time ago but it struck me again when Mark sent the closer picture.
Mark is apparently in denial on its presence. take a look in the attached photo.
i will send the picture taken by me from peter's book (rare side bottom centre photo ), In this photo it is clear to me that there are 3 such cables..! The other aspect of this saga is that the richard Hackenberger's techinical discussion notes is undisputed because of its Scientific varasity of explanations used. here:http://www.pureenergysystems.com/os/...dHackenberger/
I'm now of the opinion that Gray did actually had acquired the know-how from one Mr. Popoff (former associate of Dr. Tesla) and that the 'introduction' of Mr. Marvin Cole is questionable, The insight of technology by richard Hackenberger is evident from a development plan that he describes in the end portion of the tech discussion, which i strongly feel is co-related to the Stanley Meyer process.
Gray/ Hacken burger are indeed the original inventors of their Motor.