I have a basic question. For the core material, does it have to be a small wire bundle? can it be, say, 3/4" rebar material? thx to whomever can help me with this.
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iron core of the SG
40 45 60 65 70 all are very close.... its the small diameter of the rod that breaks up the little magnets in the core. too small of a rod and it acts solid, too big and it acts solid. but find the right size and it behaves nicelly. metglas and other exotic materials with very low hysterisis can work well its just expensive......
Tom C
Hi Camper,
Its also the Eddy current loss in the meterial that matter, as Tom C rightly puts it... thicker the rod more is the loss as bulkier is the meterial and too thin the rod closer it is to saturation..(Magnetic)
Faraday88.'Wisdom comes from living out of the knowledge.'