Dear Energyscience-Community
While being close to completing my 1st Kromrey I am thinking already about the next design step. In order to avoid slip rings etc. I wonder whether the magnets could rotate and the coil would be static. From a classical point of view it should not matter. However, if I look at the complementary notes from Kromrey about his machine I wonder whether the movement of the electrons in the coils is part of the mechanism and thus it would not work.
Attached is a lousy sketch of what I mean:
Would appreciate if anybody with thoughts or experience on that topic would share their view.
Thanks and regards
While being close to completing my 1st Kromrey I am thinking already about the next design step. In order to avoid slip rings etc. I wonder whether the magnets could rotate and the coil would be static. From a classical point of view it should not matter. However, if I look at the complementary notes from Kromrey about his machine I wonder whether the movement of the electrons in the coils is part of the mechanism and thus it would not work.
Attached is a lousy sketch of what I mean:
Would appreciate if anybody with thoughts or experience on that topic would share their view.
Thanks and regards