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Water in carburetors ran engines 2005-2008 Georgia
The S1R9A9M9 conversion of cars and 18HP Briggs mower engine , about 205-2008 Georgia, to water in carbs, all had a second spark gap. They all used 6v relay sealed in vacuum, per cylinder, that the high volts jumped the internal contacts as spark gaps. The redirecting diodes added to circuit had the back EMF > 100v added to spark plug also, from the series 1.5MH inductors inside the the relay. 6-7 amps average current necessary THROUGH spark plug with time delay line inherent coil - like in relay. Half wave DC necessary as from inverter output, one diode, and grounds ISOLATED, because of secondary winding.The relays were electromechanical type as used in AC traffic pole circuit boxes for Georgia signal lights. The old style engines also had spinning rotor in distributor cap that had 1st spark gap . His 2 sparkings is what assures smoother spark plug RPM without skips. Timing retarded to minus 34 degrees. Engines run on WATER VAPOR PRESSURE GENERATED + Hydrogen gas generated and ALSO fired. This was Nathren's invention successful circuit design. EGR applied increased efficiency by providing embedded nitrogen from air from compressed exhaust gases. 18miles per gallon on 1978 V8 car. He later replaced the obsolete relays with a triple winding coil, as used on car and Briggs. Web site shut down. See his You Tube video on Briggs running on water! The triple coil and other parts are inside the plastic tub , on side of engine. Battery disconnected after starter use. Power is from the MAGNETS activated flywheel alternator and diodes. He neglected to say it was self running!
Power supply mower engine water carb conversion
Two designs power supply now built as half wave DC for the end circuit firing lawn mower spark plug on water. The half wave is necessary for the following 1.5MH inductor that's used for the back EMF high volts pulse that adds to plug. 6-7 amps + > 100v needed. First design is China open board 500W Inverter hooked to half wave voltage doubler for about 28v DC out. The 2nd design is DC converter at 30 v DC fired as forward type going through 1:1 transformer as secondary side with single output diode, as also isolated- same as secondary of the Inverter. This means that the 2 grounds of same circuit do not clash. (spark plug firing has battery ground + PS ground same time) This data is the improvement over the original circuit of S1R9A9M9 from 2008. - See his You Tube videos. Air , mineral water, amperage and ignition volts combine at retarded timing of -38 degrees to make water vapor pressure along with hydrogen gas and it's pressure from the burn. Nathren's back yard video was dangerous without safety precautions in place. High volts on car battery!. Common electrolysis cell needs square inches metal electrodes area for gases at low 3 volts. The spark plug tip is much smaller and needs way higher volts. His same circuit with redirecting diodes and inductor from 6v Relay, was used on the 18HP Briggs as well as the several car conversions done in Georgia at that time with 400Watt inverter and output diode. 18miles per gallon water on cars , and engines ran smoother with EGR applied using the Nitrogen embedded water from the exhaust . Web site shut down, but some data still on Internet + the original videos!
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S1R9A9M9 has 2 videos from 2008 showing his conversion of Briggs 18HP riding mower engine to water in carb. Engine starts on car battery, then battery disconnected. Circuit runs on alternator under flywheel. About 10 amps to make hydrogen + Oxygen electrolysis at spark plug. Timing was delayed and also water vapor PRESSURE generated that helps keep engine running at idle speed. 4 people worked on this in Georgia. His 8 cyl 1978 EL Camino car also tooled around town at low power until locked up in security garage.It was to be "inferred" that this was self perpetuating/ overunity without stating that. Autos plugs fired with 6-7 amps along with ignition high volts and using 1.5MH inductors to extend timing. Triple coils assembly with 20Turns magnetic field was over Briggs ignition wire to cause late timing ATDC -34 degrees, because ignition Magnetron coil was rigid, non adjustable. The car, later on, had some water drippings saved and reused (EGR) because of the Nitrogen compounds compressed into the water and allowed a smoother running engine. See data on internet, and You Tube videos. 12v battery had to be removed completely from circuit after starting, so as the 12 Magnets operated alternator would then provide the free power / current for the conversion. Also, there was the same connection point of HIGH VOLTAGE and battery same time only during the start mode. This was dangerous to operator from expulsion of acid as battery would pop apart. They, at that time of 18HP Briggs, did not use an ISOLATED inverter + diode power supply, as was used on all previous car conversions. Safety first! (electrical load should probably be 28V pulsing on + off DC half wave only, with about 4.5ohms load to spark plug and ground that includes diodes protection bank). This will allow 6 amps flow. Half wave DC allows for inductor back EMF, the 2nd pulse additional higher volts needed superimposed. Woods spring water with minerals was used for better current flow in all his carburetor engine tests. I forgot to add, that the inductor coils in series with current for spark plug were necessary because of needing a higher voltage derived from back EMF higher voltage FORWARD from coils in addition to the bat/ Alternator volts. In general, a common hydrogen generator water cell relies on surface area of plates/ pipes to get more gas at very low volts. The tiny electrodes of spark plugs require over 100v to compensate for that. This was how they designed system for several old cars and the Briggs vertical shaft engine. This of course, required the same grounding system as the regular current. A DC to AC inverter such as the China open board 500W unit is ISOLATED because of the secondary winding, so as the circuits following do not interfere with inverter or battery!! Nathren's car engines used the Green Power ON Board 400Watt 12v to 110v AC inverter with diode output for about 40 volts DC output. Website shut down but some data is on Internet. Most likely the best Inverter to purchase is 400 - 800Watt 12v DC to 110v AC unit because of the secondary side winding gauge of wire. It needs to carry 6-7 amps for electrolysis. The end use circuit is 50% half wave half the time on, , and is also for one cylinder mower engine as about 40% duty cycle on, of flywheel going around, so as actually way less wattage than 400W. The idea is to get the wire gauge for about 220W. See wire gauge chart circular mils. 700 circ mils X Amps X duty cycle = Circ mils of gauge wire. Watts / 110v AC = current available output of Inverter. The ones saying modified sine wave means low frequency as well as those 100% sine wave 60 cycles type. The China open board 500W inverter is 20,000 cycles and can be used if 18V or 110v AC output is changed to DC with Fast recovery 1kv diodes FR607. High frequency AC only, doesn't like direct connection inductive loads and has interference.
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I'm still tinkering with the circuit for Nathren's water powered mower engine. I spent 3 months designing replacement for the old style dual coil relays that always worked before in Georgia. The sealed Carlon box is in vacuum with DC high V, with Tesla type magnetic spark gap + cap, with series Crossover inductor 1.6MH, as per originals. The idea is that Radiant Energy is generated, kept in by vacuum , and follows wiring out to spark plug. He said they were worth their weight in gold. The shop technicians could not replicate homemade relays to work efficiently. That's why no final papers were ever released. He was in jail during 2020. The original traffic signal lights poles relay were new replacements long ago. It was only the smooth running V8 engines and Pinto 4Cyl WITH EGR + the Relays, and magnetic field at plugs tips, that were acceptable. The Nitrogen compound in exhaust gases back into intake was the key to non surging engines. I studied the website and copied data before it shut down. Currently working on the Briggs mower conversion only. I changed low volts to Positive and also the Ignition volts to positive. This way one battery can be used, and starter motor can use casting for ground negative. My power supply is half wave DC doubler voltage from 500W open board 20khz inverter with Fast diodes. Therefore the coil L in series can have back EMF higher volts pulse. One L coil in vacuum with Hi Volts, while other coil L is mounted outside with low volts. The Georgia shop technicians + Nathren said that circuit required 100v and 6-7amps through spark plug. There is a back EMF higher volts generated from inductor that could be used for that purpose. Also flyback effect of Magnetron ignition that runs secondary is about -130v. Magnetic field from inductor carries all way to plug, while I also added neodymium Ring magnet over plug. The field is exactly at plug electrodes. Water in carb was to change to water vapor PRESSURE at -34 degrees ATDC timing with some Hydrogen gas formed and fired for piston pressure. The S1R9A9M9 triple coils assembly serves 3 functions and is NOT a transformer. I built about 40 different models over time until I figured it out. His original spark plug of 4Kohm was changed to 125 ohm Champion while it COULD have been taken apart later with resistor changed to copper segment. This way plug is zero ohms and can carry 6 amps. The S1R coils had formed"Leakage inductance "higher volts into 7+13Turns , so that superimposed higher volts over 12v would push 10amps through plug. The 15A first capable - was reduced to 10A with the Reactance induced in 7+13T coil from the electrical field of Hi V cable pulse. He gave example in his website called- "the 60turns coil test". With the battery disconnected after engine start, the dual alternators under flywheel ran the circuit for spark plug amps. In 2008 You tube videos 1+2, he neglected to say 18HP Briggs engine was self running , and was to be inferredLast edited by russwr; 12-28-2022, 10:11 AM.
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Update- The conversion design for S1R9A9M9 water in carburetor - for small hydrogen and water vapor expansion pressure generation, is to be modified to have what is called a hand assembled grounds isolated DC power supply. 18v AC 500watt 20KHZ Inverter "small board" hooked to hand wound 2nd ferrite core transformer and bridge rectification+ filter capacitor , so as there is perfect isolation of two ground wires of two power sources used same time in spark plug circuit .(The battery + PS) Isolation transformer is 2 transformers together. The first is from the inverter output. Under 20 amps battery power draw and modified alternator on Briggs riding lawn mower engine is to keep battery charged. Regular DC power supply will short and burn out without extra isolated transformer circuit added. The high voltage ignition is self contained with positive ground at bottom of spark plug. Another return line from plug bottom goes DIRECT back to power supply positive volts. In the original demonstration of the 2 Youtube videos of 2008, Briggs 18HP engine running on water, the alternator powers the circuit after battery runs circuit first, along with starter motor. Then battery removed. The Timing modifying triple coils and accessory spark gap and diodes are in plastic tub on side of engine. At lower end of piston stroke after ATDC, moisture expands and adds to the pressure of the hydrgen combustion SAME TIME. ( EVENT discoverd by S1R9A9M9 and also cited as tested on tractor, 4cyl, 6cyl, and 8 cyl cars tested 2005 and onward in Georgia. EGR allows improved engine efficiency with 78% Nitrogen embedded exhaust, as was used on large engines, but not put on mower engine for that demonstration. Website shut down, with some data still on internet. Some guys are firing plastic tube syringes with water fast expansion to vapor, from triggered charged camera photo capacitor to small metal electrode screws for piston movement outward. Lab tests years ago showed energy over unity , but only with certain controlled resistance in series line, for more milliseconds time value of current contacting the water molecules. What do you think!Last edited by russwr; 08-19-2022, 01:18 PM.
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Water in carburetors ran engines 2005-2008 Georgia
Tap water to old car carburetors with accessory 6-7 amps current passes through spark plug along with high ignition volts. Small Hydrogen generated at spark plug gap acts upon water , so as vapor pressure is ALSO available to run engines. 0-34 degrees late timing ATDC required. Car driven 3000 miles, about 18 miles per gallon water, at lower power level, and lower RPM. (Engines must have EGR applied and adjustable. (Nitrogen impressed in moisture from compression aids engine efficiency) Data was gleaned from web site/ message board before it shut down in Dec 2019. Battery and 24v DC power supply converter needs diode bank to protect battery and power source, along with fuses. (2) 2 Millihenery inductors inside vintage traffic lights controller vacuumed relay, per car engine cylinder, and diodes ,were the secret on the cars. ! Some S1R9A9M9 information is on internet, and related You tube videos. I studied, and figured out most of it from the old messages forum, and slow motion frames. The new replacement magnetic coils assembly in the hanging plastic container with accessory spark gap, on his other Briggs 18HP mower engine was a hand wound 13T over 3/16" steel screw 4 1/4" long, + 7T wound 90 degrees on 5t, with the 7T magnetic field over the high volts cable to slow the spark , so as more milliseconds time for water + current at plug. 3 terminal triple coils for 6-7 amps through spark plug. Side line constant on DC with resistor, and other line with current limiting resistor through spark plug My Attempt at bench assembly of Briggs engine near completion. Have you read or heard about this topic?? His Engines would start , but need carburetor main jet drilled larger for more water flow, for off idle/power mode of engine. Nathren's lawn mower engine was also self sustaining , running on the dual alternators 10A output current and water drawn in, after battery disconnected from starter and engine.( Current Flow was the Peak higher current as seen on garage oscilloscope.) Check You tube videos ..#1 and #2...S1R9A9M9 Last edited by russwr; 06-07-2022, 05:23 PM.Tags: None
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