Hello to all!
Would any of you have any feedback regarding "rife machines"? I posted this over at energeticforum.com on the "rife" thread but never got any responses.
I realize that purchasing a "real" rife machine is the best option. However, I can't afford to pay $2,600+/-.
So my questions are:
1. Does a software/computer generated audio frequency do any good? Is it better than doing NOTHING??
2. When using a software/computer do you need to use an amplifier rather than the ultra low-power output most computers produce? If so, how many watts?
3. How do you "connect" the bare leads to your skin? ~ I mean aside from soldering wires onto your thumbs. . . .
Would any of you have any feedback regarding "rife machines"? I posted this over at energeticforum.com on the "rife" thread but never got any responses.
I realize that purchasing a "real" rife machine is the best option. However, I can't afford to pay $2,600+/-.
So my questions are:
1. Does a software/computer generated audio frequency do any good? Is it better than doing NOTHING??
2. When using a software/computer do you need to use an amplifier rather than the ultra low-power output most computers produce? If so, how many watts?
3. How do you "connect" the bare leads to your skin? ~ I mean aside from soldering wires onto your thumbs. . . .
