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George Lakhowsky MWO
Not exactly related to the MWO but on other hand, since we're talking vibrations and sympathetic vibrations in particular then everything seems related- Dale Pond The Basic Principles Of SVP Sympathetic Vibratory Physics 1/2 - YouTube
VtechLast edited by blackchisel97; 07-02-2013, 09:09 PM.
You are doing an excellent work here Vtech and what it is strange is that nobody cares or at least nobody answers back in this thread. I hope more people will eventually get involved in this because it concerns every each one of us. Every human being is a vibrating creature by its own nature and this machine does an excellent job in keeping these vibrations high enough, where they should be and where they were before our modern civilization destroyed everything in its pass, including health. I hope everybody realize that in the end. Keep it up my friend,
Thank you Nick,
The whole concept may not be easy to grasp for everyone. Also, the circuit including Tesla Coil, dealing with high voltage and overall cost may not appeal to an average experimenter. I managed to get main components for far less than "retail price" and make the rest at home. It maybe easier for some to get NST than build ZVS circuit. This can be also done on LM555 based PWM driving ignition coils which are easier to find and cheaper in EU than here. Tesla Coil can be made with 150 feet of wire (2x70T) instead of 2x350T as I did, but that was the wire I had. Instead of single hv capacitor rated at 30kV (which can cost $30-50) it is better to use a bank of 4kV rated in series/parallel. It is cheaper and the overall stress is equally spread among them. Spark gap can be single and made of two stainless bolts. I used a roller shaft from printer which was cut with dremel into 1-1/4 pieces, fastened in household fuse box terminal. Scrap piles are full of treasures. I built my first SSG (few years ago) and it didn't cost me one cent. It is a matter of adapting of what you have. This can also apply to every day of our life.
Montagnier Electromagnetic Signals Are Produced by Aqueous Nanostructures Derived from Bacterial DNA Sequences
A novel property of DNA is described: the capacity of some bacterial DNA sequences to induce electromagnetic waves at high aqueous dilutions. It appears to be a resonance phenomenon triggered by the ambient electromagnetic background of very low frequency waves. The genomic DNA of most pathogenic bacteria contains sequences which are able to generate such signals. This opens the way to the development of highly sensitive detection system for chronic bacterial infections in human and animal diseases.
VtechLast edited by blackchisel97; 07-11-2013, 08:54 PM.
I understand about how everything in our universe is based on vibrations between every other object and even upon itself. Even seemingly solid objects are spaced apart by the very nature of vibrations being produced from the electrochemical make up of each atom. Our Earth has a vibration of approximately 7.83 Hz. When all the EM fields of nature are disrupted by man made oscillators, the human body suffers and cannot cope unless we live inside a Faraday cage.I listen to Alex Jones and I fight against the New World Order. Are you a flouride head? Великий Белый Волшебник
Originally posted by why_me View PostI understand about how everything in our universe is based on vibrations between every other object and even upon itself. Even seemingly solid objects are spaced apart by the very nature of vibrations being produced from the electrochemical make up of each atom. Our Earth has a vibration of approximately 7.83 Hz. When all the EM fields of nature are disrupted by man made oscillators, the human body suffers and cannot cope unless we live inside a Faraday cage.
Our eye is most sensitive to the wavelength corresponding to yellow/green and this is also the most intense radiation coming from our sun. Separating further from Earth frequencies or her magnetic field would not be beneficial either. Source of harmful radiations are not just microwave ovens which can reprogram our DNA (besides rendering processed food totally useless) but cell phone transmitters, ELF transmitters, radars, power lines and substations etc. If you'll make a paper cube and draw all wires as they run inside your house you'll get something similar to the grid or cage. Except, that this cage isn't grounded but energized at all times. Add any cordless or wireless devices or networks inside and see what you have.
We can limit our exposure and rid of some "convenient" devices from our closest environment but the other way is to restore healthy balance and of course eliminate harmful substances/pathogens from our bodies.
Both are possible.
I've been doing more tests and studied MWO operation in resent days. It seems that the antennas designed by Eric Dollard are indeed the MWO on their own, even not being powered from Tesla Coil. I just got more hv caps and will try to assemble another circuit without NST transformer but ZVS driven flyback and spark gap interrupter. I already tested this idea with my current device and it works just fine. New coil is awaiting more varnish and better insulation of primary winding as I discovered some sparking between primary and one side of secondary in my bigger coil at higher power levels. Also, I found those conductive silicone cables having too much of impedance. I liked them at first since they're very flexible but found them getting warm after 15min at 50W only. I have hv cable on order but it is rated at 40kV only and I may have to use some highly dielectric tubing over to increase their breakdown value. Good 100kV rated cables are quite expensive.
The original devices had only 5-15kV running from the main unit to the TC, which was connected to the antenna. Here, I run both outputs from bi polar TC to the antennas and these potentials are much higher.
Also, managed to acquire original Violet Ray mushroom type tube from 1927 and in perfect working order. I wish to eventually get the Phanotron helium filled tube and hook up to my MWO but can't afford that right at the moment.
Once I get everything in "mobile" form I want to conduct some test outside, using the Earth ground instead of grounded metal plate.
More will follow.
Last edited by blackchisel97; 07-16-2013, 09:27 PM.
This morning I unwrapped the primary to find the problem with decreased output from one secondary at higher power level. What I found was the cable going to the primary failure. Interesting, since it was 20kV rated cable with 1/16 thick silicone tubing over it which I folded before wrapping with PVC tape. Luckily, windings didn't sustain any damage so it is just a matter of replacing cable and running straight down without any bends. I was expecting shorting between primary and secondary winding so this came out as a surprise and relief since it is a minor fix.
Originally posted by BroMikeyNice work. You got to test these out. Last night I jumped on the electrifier kept me up late but wow does that feel good, clears my sinus,makes me more relaxed to finally sleep Sooooooooo deeply.
I would like to know how it makes YOU feel someday.
Which electrifier you're referring to? I had good results with Brain Tuner, which did improve my sleep pattern. I don't have EEG made yet but suspect that it did stimulate Theta band and allowed for more efficient use of rest period.
Our sleep period may consist of shallow or deep phases. This shallow, pre sleep period can be also termed as day dreaming or almost awake drowsiness and is associated with Alpha waves in range between 8-12 cycles per second. While being relaxing state, it doesn't create the effect of full rejuvenation, as deep phase - REM. That's the phase when we're dreaming and it is associated with Theta waves in range between 4-8 cps. Delta waves - 1-4 cps are characteristic of deep, dreamless sleep.
Watching TV, PC or exposure to blue light spectrum can delay that most beneficial deep phase due to melatonin. Also, stress can contribute to such delay or lack of deep sleep. If I may use an analogy to stirred large body of water, such as bathtub and the time needed to calm it down...
This can be experienced as feeling of being awake all night or frequent waking up. The result manifests as tiredness in the morning, lack of energy during the day and it may lead to some health issues if such pattern persists over longer period of time. We need to fully recharge our internal batteries and "surface charge" will not suffice. Any imbalance will eventually lead to deterioration of our health.
This is a short YT update of my first MWO which I was working on for the last couple months - Multiwave Oscillator - YouTube