Originally posted by Gary Hammond
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Then you are not yet an aristocratic bluelblood, I'm disappointed!
But joking aside, seriously I've posted the evidence I've seen published for silver as an anti-viral. If I had to guess what you, and myself, see on the positive silver strip is silver oxide, if you let it run for a while the negative strip may start to darken as silver electroplates to that side. I wipe my silver before making a new batch, but if I'm right it probably doesn't make a difference. Especially if you think of making this with distilled water all you have is silver, H20 and electromagnetism. You might think about a 20 dollar dissolved solids meter to see if you are making 5 or 50 ppm colloidal silver. If you have visible clumps of silver run it through a coffee filter. Such a shame as Tom Bearden talks about that some grad students aren't cut loose on some of this, as aside from not knowing how it behaves in the body it occurred to me from Peter's data that you could engineer the silver particles size from 5 to 150 nanometers plus depending on the resistivity of the water. Doubt that will see NIH funding soon.
I'll preface what I say next with, sure I have no idea, what do I know, don't listen to me even though I'm writing you etc., but I think this epidemic is going to up and vanish like a fart in the wind and I'll tell you why. Also by way of preface I do see this killing possibly a million people worldwide. However, when I was looking at this earlier I was saying to myself, I don't know how this doesn't kill at least 100 million worldwide, it is no longer on that track as far as I can tell. So Luc Montagnier chimed in a couple days ago. Yeah Luc!
A few things, one Luc won the Noble prize in medicine for isolating HIV. Two when John Bedini asked some time back about what was going on with his, I don't know Royal Rife electromagnetism and health stuff I mentioned Dr. Montagnier's work. After his Noble prize, Dr. Montagnier published results where he was able to reproduce DNA sequences in water only from the necessary reagents and the electromagnetic blueprint. I.e a testube when next to a test tube with DNA and both pulsed with EM, the testube with only water(and the PCR reagents to make DNA) reproduced the specific DNA in the other testube. A week ago I decided to reread that to see is that really what he said? Yep, he's saying in water if you broadcast the EM blueprint the 3d printer goes to town. Haha I love it! Still don't know if it is directly applicable to the Bedini/Royal Rife stuff.
Anywho, Dr. Montagnier was mocked and mocked and he finally went to ... China, to do research. Now he comes out, mind you he does have a Noble prize for his work in virology, and says seemingly without a doubt the COVID virus was engineered and the Chinese government was doing this to try and develop an AIDS vaccine and it leaked from their lab.
The most pertinent, to my thinking, thing he said was genetic insertions are unstable in the wild. I'd never thought of that. If that is real and correct and the virus was engineered, the virus will quickly be reverting to a run of the mill coronavirus which is a typical cause of the common cold. It is above my paygrade but I do hope the good doctor is correct for oh so many reasons. As an aside. President Trump will have a field day, "no one has ever handled anything like this so well, they tell me the Romans in 400 AD came close but we did much better, really when you think about it way, way better.".