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Silver is a Broad Spectrum Antiviral

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  • #16
    Originally posted by Gary Hammond View Post

    PS ........Just looked in the mirror, and I haven't turned BLUE yet! LOL
    Hey Gary,

    Then you are not yet an aristocratic bluelblood, I'm disappointed!

    But joking aside, seriously I've posted the evidence I've seen published for silver as an anti-viral. If I had to guess what you, and myself, see on the positive silver strip is silver oxide, if you let it run for a while the negative strip may start to darken as silver electroplates to that side. I wipe my silver before making a new batch, but if I'm right it probably doesn't make a difference. Especially if you think of making this with distilled water all you have is silver, H20 and electromagnetism. You might think about a 20 dollar dissolved solids meter to see if you are making 5 or 50 ppm colloidal silver. If you have visible clumps of silver run it through a coffee filter. Such a shame as Tom Bearden talks about that some grad students aren't cut loose on some of this, as aside from not knowing how it behaves in the body it occurred to me from Peter's data that you could engineer the silver particles size from 5 to 150 nanometers plus depending on the resistivity of the water. Doubt that will see NIH funding soon.

    I'll preface what I say next with, sure I have no idea, what do I know, don't listen to me even though I'm writing you etc., but I think this epidemic is going to up and vanish like a fart in the wind and I'll tell you why. Also by way of preface I do see this killing possibly a million people worldwide. However, when I was looking at this earlier I was saying to myself, I don't know how this doesn't kill at least 100 million worldwide, it is no longer on that track as far as I can tell. So Luc Montagnier chimed in a couple days ago. Yeah Luc!

    A few things, one Luc won the Noble prize in medicine for isolating HIV. Two when John Bedini asked some time back about what was going on with his, I don't know Royal Rife electromagnetism and health stuff I mentioned Dr. Montagnier's work. After his Noble prize, Dr. Montagnier published results where he was able to reproduce DNA sequences in water only from the necessary reagents and the electromagnetic blueprint. I.e a testube when next to a test tube with DNA and both pulsed with EM, the testube with only water(and the PCR reagents to make DNA) reproduced the specific DNA in the other testube. A week ago I decided to reread that to see is that really what he said? Yep, he's saying in water if you broadcast the EM blueprint the 3d printer goes to town. Haha I love it! Still don't know if it is directly applicable to the Bedini/Royal Rife stuff.

    Anywho, Dr. Montagnier was mocked and mocked and he finally went to ... China, to do research. Now he comes out, mind you he does have a Noble prize for his work in virology, and says seemingly without a doubt the COVID virus was engineered and the Chinese government was doing this to try and develop an AIDS vaccine and it leaked from their lab.

    The most pertinent, to my thinking, thing he said was genetic insertions are unstable in the wild. I'd never thought of that. If that is real and correct and the virus was engineered, the virus will quickly be reverting to a run of the mill coronavirus which is a typical cause of the common cold. It is above my paygrade but I do hope the good doctor is correct for oh so many reasons. As an aside. President Trump will have a field day, "no one has ever handled anything like this so well, they tell me the Romans in 400 AD came close but we did much better, really when you think about it way, way better.".
    Last edited by ZPDM; 04-18-2020, 09:54 AM.


    • #17
      Originally posted by ZPDM View Post

      Thanks Aaron, that is awesome! I am glad you liked the write-up. While I haven't sent it to many, of people with media reach you are the only one (perhaps with the guts) to run with it, at least so far. Thanks again and let's hope it is helpful to some people. A couple quick updates, I did send it along to Dr Fauci's NIH email and first got a form response that he was out of office working on COVID-19 stuff. To his office's credit though I did get a response back from someone in his office it was mainly boilerplate language but she did thank me and said she forwarded it to the Division of Virology. She also included the link to the NIH page on colloidal silver which says it turns people blue and there is no evidence it is useful in any disease. Well, there is a lot of test tube evidence against pathogens but of course there is no evidence against a human disease as you will never fund that and no pharmaceutical company is going to bankrupt itself funding it either. They also make sure to say colloidal silver, while neglecting to note that the active ingredient silver, is and has been widely used as an anti-infective for decades. However, I just very politely responded that I was very heartened to know that the Division of Virology was aware of the medical literature on nanosilver and again urgently requested they rigorously evaluate its utility as a treatment for COVID-19. In normal times I have little doubt nothing would happen, and perhaps even now, but if there is not going to be an economy left or a pharmaceutical industry to make a half million a year from after protecting them, maybe they'll take an afternoon and see what it does against COVID-19. Sent it to Rand Paul, figured he's a physician and he has the bug, if any in government might be interested and qualified to evaluate it perhaps is him, who knows, maybe it will help him. After sending it to a few people's e-mails I had from when I ran a health blog, heard from a physician from Poland who had it forwarded to him who mentioned he has used colloidal silver for years, mentioned Bob Beck and also said "ingestion of silver internally is forbidden in Europe" Jeez oh fricken Louise, hide the silver cutlery. My goodness what a start to this year and what a difference three months can make.

      Edit: Just as a last thought, I am under no illusions that what I wrote will necessarily make a big difference, that is doubtful. Perhaps, if silver is of utility in treatment of COVID-19, for a few who are open to alternative treatments it will help and I have gotten what I needed to off my chest. Though likely half the people you Aaron send it to will have some side-band generator or whatever it is called that does what ever it does! This ****storm will go as it does I have the impression it is not my role to stand in the breach of this ****storm of iniquity even if I pretended I could. I am only to do what I can, hopefully, terrible sinner though I am, I've done that.
      I'll try to update the paper on the blog post with the newest version.

      I never heard silver supplements were banned in Europe.

      Aaron Murakami

      You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.” ― Richard Buckminster Fuller


      • #18
        Saw a meme online about Montagnier and his comments about covid-19 - I thought it was some propaganda - wow - he really did chime in.

        Came across this a little while back

        Seems a lot of scientists are slamming it for being a bad interpretation, etc. I don't know enough about genetics to say either way but the comments are enlightening enough to get the gist of what they're arguing about.

        What's your take on that?
        Aaron Murakami

        You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.” ― Richard Buckminster Fuller


        • #19
          ZPDM - does the new version come up for you on this page?
          Aaron Murakami

          You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.” ― Richard Buckminster Fuller


          • #20
            Originally posted by Gary Hammond View Post
            Filled a small juice glass (4.5 oz) full of tap water and hooked up the battery. Started getting a reaction right away, and after about two minutes the water was cloudy with a white color. I drank the small glass of water and it tasted OK, and maybe slightly metallic.

            I noticed the positive wire turning gray while the negative wire stayed shiny. I assume the residue should be removed before another batch is prepared? ???
            Gary, I'd only use distilled water. With the different elements in tap water, they can be electrolyzed and recombined with silver to create undesireable silver compounds.



            With my general silver making experience, I used a unit for a long time - it was a few hundred dollars, AC rectified to DC to a cap and it is 20 volts DC output to the wires. It also has an air bubbler - I don't like the air bubbler, introduces too much oxygen and makes the negative electrode oxidize even faster. And with that kind of voltage, particles are too big. With the Tyndall effect, it gives a super bright red beam through the water - many mistake that as something good, but it is undesirable because that means there are too many large particles.

            I've been making mine with just a few volts and can take about 6+ hours - Tyndall effect is a faint red beam because of small particle size and the water is still 100% clear otherwise.

            I use a Hanna electrical conductivity meter that was around $200 or so - measures in miliSiemens per cm - mS/cm. It's self adjusting for temperature. I'd like to get a high end analog mS unit but they're pretty dang expensive.

            My tap water is magnetized, purified and sterilized and measures about 0.15 or so mS/cm. I have a common distiller that measures 0.00 mS/cm. The silver from the expensive plug in unit when done after a 3 hour recommended time is 0.01 mS/cm with the strong red beam but my silver with my low voltage method with a very faint beam also measures 0.01 mS/cm - so same conductivity, much milder Tyndall effect = way smaller particles.

            With the plug in unit, the negative wire gets super caked with the silver oxide and I have to rub it off with some scotch brite pad. With my much slower, but lower voltage method and no air bubbler, the negative electrode almost looks untouched! Just a few dark streaks that a few rubs with a cotton rag take off.

            I don't use a bubbler because I don't believe it is necessary to evenly disperse the silver throughout the solution. With that low of voltage and long time, Brownian motion (downward flowing gravitational potential is pushing on the protons making up the mass, silver particles move out of the way because of the resistance against the water it is under - my opinion on what Brownian motion is) - is enough to disperse it evenly. I believe this is happening because the Tyndall effect is identical whether going through the bottom of the glass or towards the top.

            Plus, if the particles are like charged and small enough, they're going to repel each other so there is no point in having a bubbler. That is just for over-voltaged units that might eject so much silver it would get too conductive too fast between the electrodes and would increase current to make even larger particles. It's overkill.

            This is the distiller I've used for the last 6 years - was about $200 something - not available

            Same company has this for about $250

            You an find less expensive ones, but those are some of the simplest to deal with.

            Anyway, my 2 cents on making silver.

            Aaron Murakami

            You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.” ― Richard Buckminster Fuller


            • #21
              Hi Aaron,

              Looks like we got the version of the paper with the 2020 year, awesome! Yes this Polish doctor practicing in England wrote that ingestion of silver is banned there (England I would guess), haha. I think the bureaucracy of Europe concerning food and drugs is likely even worse than in the U.S. and, if he is correct, they put out some absurd, unenforceable edict that will still likely be harmful to a number of people. I had also seen that Indian study before it got pulled and I think Dr. Montagnier mentions it in the article. They are, like Montagnier, saying there are bits of HIV virus, specifically I think some of the envelope glycoproteins that are in this thing where it is like, what the heck are they doing there? I don't know .... this is not like the 50 story Building 7 in NYC collapsing on 9/11 from a few fires in the windows. This is an invisible virus that has been mutating for months, it may be very difficult to ever know with certainty what happened, even if people are all entirely honest. That said, to boast about my extended family, I have a niece who just earned her PhD in epigenetics maybe when I talk to her she will say, of course it was genetically engineered or the opposite. But aside from being a genetic engineer, and even then, how does one know what is going on? Again even if one has all the expertise, which I certainly don't, what does it mean if someone received a genetic sequence in an e-mail stating this is the original pathogen. If I really had to guess I would guess it was engineered and escaped accidentally but all I really know is something bad happened and there has been quite the response to this virus. I fault no one in any of this, but would just say, if this thing doesn't mutate to become benign in a hurry, is there any reason to think it will be gone in a month? In six months? what if immunity only lasts six months? will it be gone in six years? Again, I am not sure I have a clue what is going on right now and I don't fault anyone but I have to wonder whether the shutdown of the wealthy countries' economies isn't going to kill more people in poorer countries than the virus ever would. I am trying to hopefully help people with ideas presented and supported from the medical literature, that said I don't know what is going on. Time to, as it were, break out the popcorn and see what happens.

              Do appreciate the details on your experience and approaches with making colloidal silver. As I might have mentioned in the write-up, if I thought I had this bug or another serious virus I would probably make colloidal silver both with distilled water and tap water (I generally use nine volts but have tried lower and higher). I just think it is a shame that there is not the money and effort towards more in-vitro research and more importantly actual clinical trials. As I said what ever colloidal silver you make, among other things, once ingested the first thing that colloidal silver will see is a 1/2 hour/hour long bath in hydrochloric acid.


              • #22
                Hey Gary,

                Somethings been percolating for me for a few days that just brewed. I did just recently post a 45 minute video where I talked a lot of smack, really silliness aside, I think it is a good video with very important insights that I am graced to consider. That said, in the next 1-3 days I will post another video. As I said I have been thinking awhile about this, but it just occurred to me how universal it is and how it may be demonstrated so easily and in my mind irrevocably. It will only take a few minutes to demonstrate. If you wish, check it out. I will post it soon.


                • #23
                  I'm going to have to change my opinion about colloidal and/or ionic silver. I've used mostly ionic for topical, sinus wash, etc. not so much for drinking.

                  The home made stuff is mostly ionic and a bit of colloidal, is clear and seems the main downfall for drinking it is that it won't do much when it creates silver chloride, which just passes through in the urine for the most part.

                  Been doing a lot of experiments lately, will post on some of it soon.
                  Aaron Murakami

                  You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.” ― Richard Buckminster Fuller


                  • #24
                    Hi Aaron,

                    I'm a bit confused by your post where you say
                    The home made stuff is mostly ionic and a bit of colloidal, is clear and seems the main downfall for drinking it is that it won't do much when it creates silver chloride, which just passes through in the urine for the most part.
                    Reading Peter's publication I get the idea that colloidal silver is also ionic silver and that to get silver chloride requires that chlorine ions must also be present. This should only happen when using tap water. With distilled water the only ions would be silver, hydrogen, and OH wouldn't it?

                    Here's a quote from Peter
                    The word "ionic" refers to a condition where a particle has an
                    electric charge. In the case of "electro-colloidal' silver, this electric
                    charge is ALWAYS POSITIVE. Silver will not form a negatively
                    charged ion. So, the truth is that electro.colloidal silver is BOTH
                    colloidal and ionic. It is considered colloidal because of the particle
                    SIZE and it is considered ionic because of the particle CHARGE.
                    In fact most of the biological studies suggest it is colloidal silver's
                    ionic characteristics that make it such a good germicide. It is also
                    interesting to note that the old chemistry books make no distinction
                    between the colloidal and ionic states of the electro-colloidal metals.
                    Gary Hammond,


                    • #25
                      To further clarify what you are getting at Gary there is a decent write-up on Wikipedia concerning Zeta potential The picture, and the chart of zeta potential as a function of how stable a colloidal solution is, are worthwhile.

                      When we consider what is going on when colloidal silver is created electrolytically a "chunk" of silver breaks off the positive plate like an iceberg off a glacier, under the influence of the established voltage gradient. The silver particle perhaps made of 10,000 silver atoms has a net positive charge. When it encounters the water, water being a dipole forms a clathrate around the silver particle with all the hydrogen ends pointing in towards the positive charge of the silver. The voltage potential between the silver and the H ends of the water is the source of the Zeta potential. The volume of a sphere is 4/3pi*r3, the surface area of a sphere is 4pi*r2. Despite the 4/3 versus 4, because volume varies as a function cubed and surface area only squared, as a sphere becomes larger the ratio of surface area to volume decreases. That is to say a beachball has a larger amount of volume per surface area then a tennis ball. So, conversely when a particle becomes smaller it has a higher ratio of surface area to volume. The zeta potential is created at the surface of the silver particle. Now mass/volume of silver is constant so one can see that as a silver "chunk" becomes smaller the surface area to volume increases and so the zeta potential per mass likewise increases. Because the particle has a smaller mass it will be more mobile and likewise because the zeta potential is higher will respond more rapidly to its electric environment.

                      A couple of the articles I reviewed did attempt to measure or calculate zeta potential but would have to go back and see if there is anything that can be made out of what they saw. In two respects we are flying blind unless and until the research is done, we don't know the average particle size in the blood stream after colloidal silver is ingested. Also one of the mechanisms consistently seen for how silver interferes with viral replication of enveloped viruses is "steric hindrance". So to take HIV as an example, the gp120 glycoprotein on the HIV virus binds to the CD4 receptor protein on human immune cells and like a Trojan horse uses this as a means to gain entry to the cell. The silver particle with its zeta potential is attracted to a specific region of the gp120 protein, namely where there are disulfide bridges, sulfur-sulfur bonds. The steric hindrance term is just a fancy way of saying once the silver particle gloms onto this region it gums up the works, it blocks the gp120 key from fitting into the CD4 lock. One study even demonstrated the viral particles adsorbed to the cell membrane but unable to gain entrance. Now a more mobile smaller particle with a higher zeta potential would be expected to more often, rapidly and securely bind to the disulfide bridge. In the literature whenever particles were larger than maybe 100-150 nanometers there wasn't an anti-viral effect seen. So in general a smaller particle is better, maybe even order of magnitude or more type better, however, one could also envision a situation where if the particle was too small it no longer hindered the binding of gp120 to CD4, the key still fit in the lock. We just don't know, further this is just one of at least two or more anti-viral mechanisms of colloidal silver, it also messes up viral RNA production, maybe there is an optimal and different particle size for that effect, i.e. maybe particle size should be tailored to different viruses. In any event, unless the research is done we don't know. But as the strange saying goes, don't look a gift horse in the mouth, silver is an anti-viral, don't know what goes on with its passage from gut to blood stream, but a lot of people have anecdotally reported benefit with colloidal silver made in tap water, and we also can very easily adjust initial particle size by changing the conductivity of the water.

                      Last point, as silver gums up the works as it were, why is it deferentially toxic to viruses and bacteria? I don't know, the only thing I come up with is there is likely a lot more redundancy built into higher organisms than a virus or simple bacterium. So that is to say while I could see taking a lot of colloidal silver for a short time to flush out pathogens that are harmful and while I could see taking a small amount for a long time to bring one back to the level of silver the body has "tuned" itself to over 10s of thousands of years of exposure to the environment before industrial farming, at this point I would not take large amounts of colloidal silver for long periods of time. Just an opinion, might be wrong and certainly the area needs more research.


                      • #26
                        Hi Paul,


                        This is all beginning to go over my head. My understanding of biological processes and micro/nano chemistry is pretty limited. ...........Interesting stuff, but a little beyond my pay grade.

                        Gary Hammond,


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by Gary Hammond View Post
                          Hi Aaron,

                          I'm a bit confused by your post where you say

                          Reading Peter's publication I get the idea that colloidal silver is also ionic silver and that to get silver chloride requires that chlorine ions must also be present. This should only happen when using tap water. With distilled water the only ions would be silver, hydrogen, and OH wouldn't it?

                          Here's a quote from Peter

                          Gary Hammond,
                          Hi Gary,

                          Basically, you don't want silver chloride because it is not useful to you.

                          For drinking, you want colloidal. Colloidal is good externally, but so is ionic as long as there is no chloride/chlorine atom to bond to, which will defeat its purpose.

                          As soon as you drink ionic silver, in seconds, it bonds to the chloride from hydrochloric acid and makes silver chloride and will eventually pass through in the urine. Colloidal survives the hydrocloric acid in the stomach - ionic does not.

                          Now, with that being said, it will come down to ionic silver being what does the job in the body. However, you need the colloidal form to get in where it needs to go and then the ion will be released from the colloid. You can't start with ionic and expect it to do anything internally - there is too much chloride in the stomach and even if you swished it in your mouth to get it in the blood sublingually, there is a lot of chloride in the blood.
                          Last edited by Aaron Murakami; 04-29-2020, 02:39 AM.
                          Aaron Murakami

                          You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.” ― Richard Buckminster Fuller


                          • #28
                            ".Khandelwal et al...go on to state, “the antibacterial and antiviral activities of Ag(+) can be enhanced ~1,000 fold, selectively, in presence of carbonate ions “While not discussed by the authors baking soda is an extremely inexpensive source of carbonate ions."

                            Colloidal silver plus some baking soda in a glass a good idea? Baking soda also antiviral I believe. Here's definitely a good idea:

                            "One might also consider making a concentrated glass of colloidal silver and pouring it
                            into the end of a wash cycle for laundry, or simply soaking laundry in colloidal silver before drying, so as to have silver impregnated clothing."

                            Thanks very much for the great article, Dr. Lindemann also
                            for his on C. Silver.
                            Last edited by Mike Swanson; 04-11-2024, 11:48 PM.

