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Plasma Ignition | Plasma Jet Ignition

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  • Originally posted by ThankyouBedini View Post
    Here is a video to demonstrate that by pulsing the positive post on the 12 volt battery the bang gets way louder.

    How it would work with a 24 volt battery I will find out later...
    Since this method gives the best bang, I strongly feel that somebody should try it in an engine to explode some water vapor....
    Hi Thankyoubedini,
    Just a advice, please try making some support for the tri-electrode set up, you will certainly get better performance! currently the wooden rest for the electrodes with the water sprayed will conduct and hamper the Spark-Discharge path...
    'Wisdom comes from living out of the knowledge.'


    • No progress progress report

      Wow... I see only two new posts since my last update back in September. . .

      I finally got around to doing more work on this project this weekend but only accomplished some final wire connections.
      After completing the few remaining wiring connections; I discovered that this CDI system is not energizing the coil. . .

      Don't know why. The device is either defective or may have been hit with a high voltage spike due to an improper ground or some such thing.

      Has anybody here had any problems with their MSD ignition system or actually has one of these systems working ok on a small engine and with a solid plug wire?

      I do have another CDI on order and did produce a another update video.

      That is all for now and happy Thanksgiving to all.

      Kindest regards;



      • Windstorm here on the 17th knocked out power to about 200,000 homes and businesses. Many are still down.

        I've been living on my generator with the plasma and did a video - will post when I can.

        Using it to power everything during the day and power a big battery charger to charge my 12v 450ah bank then running on battery at night so its silent.

        With the generator, kept cutting out on the stock ignition. I might have damaged the magneto coil in the past, but it won't run steady on anything but the plasma.

        The cable I'm using is a regular high performance cable with resistance - don't know the specs - what do you mean by solid plug wire?

        Originally posted by Scorch View Post
        Wow... I see only two new posts since my last update back in September. . .

        I finally got around to doing more work on this project this weekend but only accomplished some final wire connections.
        After completing the few remaining wiring connections; I discovered that this CDI system is not energizing the coil. . .

        Don't know why. The device is either defective or may have been hit with a high voltage spike due to an improper ground or some such thing.

        Has anybody here had any problems with their MSD ignition system or actually has one of these systems working ok on a small engine and with a solid plug wire?

        I do have another CDI on order and did produce a another update video.

        That is all for now and happy Thanksgiving to all.

        Kindest regards;

        Aaron Murakami

        “You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.” ― Richard Buckminster Fuller


        • Here is a video with my plasma setup on the motor that I used during the power outage.

          Aaron Murakami

          “You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.” ― Richard Buckminster Fuller


          • Hey Aaron.

            Is certainly nice to see this same ignition module working on another small engine.

            I have received a replacement module but I have also been dealing with a lot of distractions around here including typical holiday demands, a new roommate and I just had to replace the clutch in step van #2. And I am very grateful the weather was nice for this pain in the tail repair job I performed outdoors last week when I would have preferred doing pretty much anything else. . .

            Do you think you will ever be able to work with water or fuel/water hybrid such as water and alcohol?

            I think it might be possible to run on pure water or at least a water dominant fuel such as 80% water to 20% alcohol...

            I wish you well and happy holidays.

            Kindest regards;


            Originally posted by Aaron Murakami View Post
            Here is a video with my plasma setup on the motor that I used during the power outage.



            • Originally posted by Scorch View Post
              Hey Aaron.

              Is certainly nice to see this same ignition module working on another small engine.

              I have received a replacement module but I have also been dealing with a lot of distractions around here including typical holiday demands, a new roommate and I just had to replace the clutch in step van #2. And I am very grateful the weather was nice for this pain in the tail repair job I performed outdoors last week when I would have preferred doing pretty much anything else. . .

              Do you think you will ever be able to work with water or fuel/water hybrid such as water and alcohol?

              I think it might be possible to run on pure water or at least a water dominant fuel such as 80% water to 20% alcohol...

              I wish you well and happy holidays.

              Kindest regards;

              Absolutely on the water/alcohol topic - but I need an adjustable carburetor first to know what is going on.
              Aaron Murakami

              “You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.” ― Richard Buckminster Fuller


              • Water and fuel dont mix.
                But if you use soap it wil. It works best with injection systems.
                Use a t in the fuelrail as close to the injectors as possible.
                Source the water fuel and soap seperate and mix them just before the fuel rail.
                1%soap , 24%water , 75%fuel ,
                Use little pumps that can be frequention modulated for the mixing. Little electronic device for the percentages.
                And your plasma spark to make some extra steam.

                The biggest bonus is emission. This can save the air we breathe. But your president will call you a terrorist��


                • I'm looking for a CDI module that only fires once per trigger (no multiple spark discharge). Does anyone know of a few sources for these?
                  Aaron Murakami

                  “You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.” ― Richard Buckminster Fuller


                  • Hi Aaron,

                    I don't know of any that are commercially available nowadays, but I built one years ago (1968?) from a schematic in an electronics magazine. It was fairly easy to build and did run the engine ok (67' Mustang GT with 320HP 390 engine), but caused the tach to register about 5500 RPM at Idle. So I never used it. I still have most of it lying around some where, and I think I may still have the magazine with the schematic in it.

                    If I can find the magazine, I'll send you the name and issue #. I could also send you a copy of the schematic if you wish.


                    • Hi Aaron

                      Originally posted by Gary Hammond View Post
                      Hi Aaron,


                      If I can find the magazine, I'll send you the name and issue #. I could also send you a copy of the schematic if you wish.
                      Found it! It was the February 1967 issue of Radio - Electronics magazine pages 32 thru 34. Volume XXXVIII No. 2

                      I also found a link to it on the internet where you can access the entire magazine including the article and schematic!


                      • Originally posted by Gary Hammond View Post
                        Hi Aaron

                        Found it! It was the February 1967 issue of Radio - Electronics magazine pages 32 thru 34. Volume XXXVIII No. 2

                        I also found a link to it on the internet where you can access the entire magazine including the article and schematic!
                        Thanks Gary,

                        That schematic in the magazine looks simple enough, but I was hoping to not have to build anything

                        I did find some old Tiger cdi's on ebay - it isn't for an ignition project - for something else.
                        Aaron Murakami

                        “You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.” ― Richard Buckminster Fuller


                        • Plasma Ignition System update

                          Hello all; just a minor update.

                          Working on the project more now that winter has set in and not much to do outside and the holidays have passed.

                          I did send in the ignition module for a warranty repair but they sent it back indicating nothing wrong with it...
                          I reinstalled it and seems to be working fine so don't know what the previous failure might have been. *shrugs*

                          I went ahead and produced a short update video and I'm pretty much ready to try starting the engine soon.

                          Aaron; you are correct in that a carburetor with fully adjustable mixture would very useful but these are pretty rare except in aviation applications.
                          Last summer I did manage to locate an old carburetor for a two cylinder Onan engine that I used on an antique tractor repair.

                          This is a Tillotson DY11A with adjustable idle and main jets.
                          I was lucky to find a good one on Ebay for about $150

                          This offer has been available for many months now-
                          But the asking price is pretty high... Although not really that high for what is essentially a brand new (old stock) carburetor.

                          If I am successful in actually getting the engine to fire on water mist or fog, then I will pursue working with different jet sizes to see if I can get the stock carb to work with water.

                          With regards to single spark CDI; I am not sure why you might want this so I am curious what the reasoning might be.
                          And I imagine it might be possible to modify the street fire to do this. Just need somebody to study and figure out the modification(s).

                          Kindest regards;

                          Last edited by Scorch; 01-10-2016, 08:45 PM.


                          • Originally posted by Scorch View Post
                            With regards to single spark CDI; I am not sure why you might want this so I am curious what the reasoning might be.
                            And I imagine it might be possible to modify the street fire to do this. Just need somebody to study and figure out the modification(s).
                            I want it for a small scale version of my plasma ignition motor where it only needs to fire once per trigger.
                            Aaron Murakami

                            “You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.” ― Richard Buckminster Fuller


                            • Originally posted by Aaron Murakami View Post
                              I want it for a small scale version of my plasma ignition motor where it only needs to fire once per trigger.
                              Hey Aaron.

                              A quick search on the net did reveal these offers of tiny CDI systems made for model engines like they use for model aircraft.
                              Some of which appear to be an open architecture and not epoxy encapsulated making it easy to modify or study the circuit.

                              I do believe that unless "multi spark" is specified, just about any CDI is probably single spark such as this offer of a cheap CDI for a scooter-

                              But I don't think any of these simple systems utilize a voltage boost inverter like the street fire system has.

                              Hope that helps.

                              Kindest regards;

                              Last edited by Scorch; 01-12-2016, 12:59 PM. Reason: Additional Information


                              • Aaron, you ststed in the above that your plasma ignition works on modern cars. I assume that you mean cars that don't have the regular ignition coil that you use in the video.
                                I have your book Ignition Secrets and as best I can tell only the old style coil is used. I would like very much to be able to use thePlasma Ignition on my car, but I am lost because I have no coil to work with, other than the one inside the distributor. My car is a 1997 Acura CL 3L V6.
                                I will be unable to use the plasma ignition until I get some more information. I hope someone will be willing to tell me how to go about using this technology. And a parts list would be most helpful.
                                I may also have some helpful information that would allow water to be more useable as a fuel. I have never seen this
                                information mentioned anywhere. Thank you for your help. UseNoFuel

