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Complete Bedini SG Book!

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  • lis_wang
    Originally posted by sinergicus View Post
    I bought the book Bedini SG the complete beginner's handbook ,and from book information I understand all wires from the coil (excepting trigger coil) are power we have no slave coils...because of that ,this means we will not collecting the energy from around one power coil ,so I see no reason why is needed to wrap all the wires on the same not better to put every wire on a separate spool and using the same trigger wire ?

    I suppose in this configuration ,suggested by me,the coils will be more compact and the electromagnetic field will be used more efficient (?) ...

    I see some set up using a few (for example 7) bifillar coils instead of using one 8 fillar. What is the differrence between them? If you said it is compact and can save 6 trigger wire, that I can understand. But why it is efficient?

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  • lis_wang
    What is the difference between SG and SSG? The coil in the handbook is 8 fillar, but I see some people use 8 coils with bifillar only. Is there any difference?

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  • Blackahg
    Hello all - great book - thank you very much!

    Quick question re your new wire gauge recommendations as in the book - I'm based in the UK and we seem to have slightly different measurements. Can you confirm for me that these the correct wire gauges I should be using? I believe AWG stands for American Wire Gauge whilst SWG is a UK "standard" measurement:

    MAGNET WIRE 0.80mm / 21SWG / 20AWG
    MAGNET WIRE 0.56mm / 24SWG / 23AWG

    I suspect this is very important so I'm keen to get it right!

    Thanks again and I'm very much looking forward to the next book in the series!!!

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  • Aaron Murakami
    Originally posted by sinergicus View Post
    I have a question about matching transistors....I understand is important to have matched transistors so how can be done this?What method is recommended to be used?
    John's entire method will be explained with pics, schematics and explanations in the intermediate book that will be released in a couple weeks.

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  • sinergicus
    I have a question about matching transistors....I understand is important to have matched transistors so how can be done this?What method is recommended to be used?

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  • Carlos Galvis
    Hellos all, i just ran an experiment, thought i'd share... it occured to me that since you say that the attraction on the real north is greater than the repulsion force on the virtual south, iglued very small neos right on top of the virtual south, (neos facing south) in order to improve the repulsive force on the south pole... it worked! these are the numbers

    no south pole neos: RPM: 2038, Idraw: 800Ma, (on 7 transistors)
    with south pole neos RPM: 2250, Idraw: 820 ma
    Last edited by Carlos Galvis; 03-01-2013, 11:41 AM.

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  • Carlos Galvis
    Aaron and tom, thanks for your reply, i will try this! i don't have a camera with me right now, i'd like to show you my ssg... this is the second one i build. i have only one big difference with the book build, and that is i don't use the bike wheel, my lab space is tiny, so i made a wheel with like 50 CDs stacked together and glued, makes a good heavy rotor... the frame is almost exactly the same, except its smaller, of course. i put 5 brick magnets around it... the rest is exactly the same as the book recomends... i will have to make a new wheel to run the experiment, right now, the cds are drying, will put 4 magnets this time, ill let you know the results.

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  • Tom C
    magnet width is important. 3 to 5 magnet widths between north facing magnets. you need a north south magnet indicator to see this. take a pair of magnets on your table norths up, set them 3 widths apart, look for the south between the norths. for a rotor that has a "true" diameter of 16 inches you can get 16 to 21 magnets on it usually depending upon gauss.
    Tom C

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  • Aaron Murakami
    Originally posted by Carlos Galvis View Post
    seems like when the coil fires (in attraction mode), it should do 2 things at the same time: attract the north facing magnets and 2, repel the virtual south pole between the magnets, so you get 2 kicks for one. to take the most advantage of this, the space is critical. adjusting the space between magnets moves the center of the virtual south, yet another tuning possibility, seems to me that the real north and the virtual south should be at exactly the same distance from the coil when it fires.... or maybe not? it will be a good experiment to run... any suggestions from the experts?... if not, will it be in the next book?
    Hi Carlos,

    You are getting both the push and pull at the same time for sure.

    However, the strength of each are not the same.

    The virtual south is being pushed, but it is not being pushed as hard as the coil is pulling the north on the magnet - attraction mode of course. The strength will always be biased towards the real standard magnetic field on the face of the magnet.

    I've been running attraction mode for about 13 years from the beginning. Way back then on my first roller skate wheel SG I had two identical wheels. One had 4 magnets every 90 degrees and one had 3 every 120 degrees. Which do you think went faster? The one with the wider spacing - 3 magnets every 120 degrees. Will this be the case on a wheel with a rotor the size of a bicycle wheel? Just needs to be tested but for all practical purposes, the specs in the book are what I'd use.

    If you wanted to test it, what I'd do is remove just 1 single magnet and then space the rest equally and compare speed and draw. You'll know pretty quick what the deal is. You might have to remove 2 or 3 magnets to see the difference (good or bad) magnified enough. Would love to see your results.

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  • Carlos Galvis
    Hi all, i'm having a feeling that the space between the magnets is crucial. seems like when the coil fires (in attraction mode), it should do 2 things at the same time: attract the north facing magnets and 2, repel the virtual south pole between the magnets, so you get 2 kicks for one. to take the most advantage of this, the space is critical. adjusting the space between magnets moves the center of the virtual south, yet another tuning possibility, seems to me that the real north and the virtual south should be at exactly the same distance from the coil when it fires.... or maybe not? it will be a good experiment to run... any suggestions from the experts?... if not, will it be in the next book?

    cheers all


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  • Aaron Murakami
    Originally posted by Carlos Galvis View Post
    Hi Aaron, i took a long break and have been traveling for 3 months, i'm building my 2nd sg based on the book... now im back... the book is amazing, thank you very much. i have been catching up on the forum posts and just read this part... now, i would like to respectfully ask you to give some details on this once more, or direct me back to where these details are. i would definitely pay attention, since i never read any of your posts on this matter. thanks!!

    Hi Carlos,

    This little trick will probably be in the advanced book coming out in a few months. We're scheduled to launch to intermediate book first here in about 3 weeks.

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  • Carlos Galvis
    Originally posted by Aaron Murakami View Post
    Hi Freepower,

    I've already proven that I can use some neos in a special configuration in relation to the magnets on the rotor and BOTH increase mechanical work and reduce draw from the primary battery at the same time. I've diagrammed that out and explained this online for almost 10 years and nobody paid attention so I'm not going to spell it out for anyone anymore, but it may be included in the advanced book. The point in bringing this up is simply, I know how to use neos to increase mechanical and reduce draw on a SSG indisputably and to my knowledge, I'm the only one that has proven it. This little secret will work with a ceramic magnet too but the effect is just stronger with a neo. So, neos aren't always a bad thing.
    Hi Aaron, i took a long break and have been traveling for 3 months, i'm building my 2nd sg based on the book... now im back... the book is amazing, thank you very much. i have been catching up on the forum posts and just read this part... now, i would like to respectfully ask you to give some details on this once more, or direct me back to where these details are. i would definitely pay attention, since i never read any of your posts on this matter. thanks!!


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  • Dave Wing
    Hi sinergcius,

    Yes you can use 2N3055, it is only advisable to use in a Bedini system with 12 volt batteries on the front and back any more voltage and it may not fair so well under certain conditions.

    Dave Wing

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  • sinergicus
    I have a question regarding MJL21194 transistor recommended in the book ....This transistor is a real pain for my pocket because his I want to know if can be used another type of transistors with similar characteristics (voltage, amps etc)
    Thank you

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  • Tom C
    Originally posted by sinergicus View Post
    Regarding the current output from ssg...I understand the output of device is current less energy ..anyway I understand also is some residual (?) current along with radiant that going to the second battery ...what is the maximum current admitted at the output to consider the ssg device is working ok?
    there is not a"number" the SG built from the book pulls 1 amp from the primary, tune with the primary draw in mind, depending upon your coil your current draw will vary there is no standard. if you have that a s a standard it is easy to test, draw one amp from the primary, then one amp from the charge battery, its a great test platform.

    Tom C

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