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Building a window motor

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  • #61
    May Have found it

    07-20-2015, 12:39 PM
    Silver Member
    Join Date: Apr 2007
    Location: Hayden Lake, ID, USA
    Posts: 914

    May Have found it

    Yes, Unity is good, I just don’t know how I could have missed this, it’s really bugging me. I have done a test with the original motor and if you hook a bridge and a capacitor to the window coil and spin the motor up it charges the cap fast. Now if you pulse the motor with S1 it keeps running for a very long time. The key to it is the transformer as I stated. I could not find a diagram
    To post what I mean so I must draw it. It is important on how the second part of the coil is hooked up. The polarity must be correct and the timing of the switch. Be back later with drawing
    John B
    Aaron Murakami

    “You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.” ― Richard Buckminster Fuller


    • #62
      John, your post I had to delete to insert the others in sequence

      Today, 02:54 PM #0

      Super Moderator Join DateJul 2012LocationCoeur'D Alene IdahoPosts280

      Ok, sometimes you must walk away from things for a long time and just let things fester in your head. If you look at the circuit diagram Mike posted you will see something that I may have overlooked. I don’t know why I missed it, could have been thinking about something else. When I hooked a small battery in place of mikes ss circuit the motor ran as normal. That is why I came to the conclusion that mike hid a battery in the ss relay. So now back to the circuit, if you look you will see that when the switch is on the two coils make up an Autoformer, this type of device builds voltage without changing the impedance of the driving coil so the driving coil does not see the load of the capacitor the Autoformer works like a basic car spark coil. The only reason I say this is I had a job with some radio circuits
      where I had to make this type of transformer to supply the load of the antenna without effecting the transmitter. Amplifiers in the 70’s used these transformers (Mcintosh) you could short the amp out and nothing would happen. I have experimented with this type of transformer and it is possible to build a Window Motor to run like this but you cannot take any power from it, Unity. I know this is late timing but at least I have posted it.
      John B
      Aaron Murakami

      “You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.” ― Richard Buckminster Fuller


      • #63
        There is additional info on the use of shorted coils in transformers here:

        See the section "Secret 2 Switchable Inductance" located about 60% down the page, which gives some experiments and data.
        Off to try some tests, as this very much depends on phasing of the coils.
        Last edited by serendipitor; 08-01-2015, 10:43 PM.


        • #64
          I was working with machine shops in my area and they all wasted the materials I supplied and wanted complete drawings of the final product. I have been working on all of the sg energizers with hand tools. Latest zero force motor. not working yet. Tesla switch, rpx and alum batteries. It is hard to replicate in the swamp. I have learned a lot and will not give up. I have hope when I get up in the morning and continue on the path. Happiness and Joy Jeff


          • #65
            Originally posted by Jeffrey Joseph View Post
            I was working with machine shops in my area and they all wasted the materials I supplied and wanted complete drawings of the final product. I have been working on all of the sg energizers with hand tools. Latest zero force motor. not working yet. Tesla switch, rpx and alum batteries. It is hard to replicate in the swamp. I have learned a lot and will not give up. I have hope when I get up in the morning and continue on the path. Happiness and Joy Jeff
            You got in!
            Aaron Murakami

            “You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.” ― Richard Buckminster Fuller


            • #66
              Thanks Aaron


              • #67
                Originally posted by Jeffrey Joseph View Post
                I am in the process of building a window motor. I have some questions.
                Is there a picture of a jig for winding the coils so the shaft will go through?
                Can I use an Iron core for the rotor?
                Can I use a compound neo magnet configuration on the iron rotor?
                Thanks for your help Jeff Joseph
                1. Make provisions first for the rotor shaft insersion.
                2. Look,the window motor is essentially an Air-core motor. having a iron frame (if that is what you are asking) for a rotor that holds the magnets should not be an issue but its is preferred to be of a non-magnateic/non-conductive materials, although JB used aluminium cylinder for the Magnet -rotors.
                3.No. it has to be N-S-N-S all the way.
                Best Regards,
                'Wisdom comes from living out of the knowledge.'

